Thanks for the article. Great points. I am an executive/advisor in VC funded companies since 2006. One point I didn´t observe that much was a short attention span. The usual VC I met was smart, could identify signals very quickly and be quick to the point. And as an executive, I sometimes wished for a short attention span — in monthly BoD meetings.
What I did also observe was taking time to get to know VCs and find those who really are a fit. With investments in the industry, the company is positioned in, grown networks and expertise. Usually, VCs see a lot and spent time traveling. This can be a huge leverage for VC funded companies.
On valuation, I totally agree. After having found a VC that is a great fit, whose investment manager also is a cultural fit, they like the company and team and have helpful networks, I wouldn´t be too picky on the valuation. VCs usually do understand to have to motivate the team. But also they need to make money for their investors. Creating an upward story also in valuation is a necessity in this industry. Nothing bitter than a down-round because of far too high valuation.