That‘s absolutely true. I realize that myself, that I need to get rid of the phone more often.
Great article. I haven‘t been writing for a career. My core business is funding life science companies. Reading and writing is part of the job. On the reading side it is scientific papers and contracts. On the writing side it is negotiations by mail (defining deal terms) and contracts.
I also love reading newspapers and magazines.
Then, I was drawn to medium. And I asked myself very often why?
Medium is storytelling. I love reading about the experience people have made. Let me try to explain:
Journalism: Describing that people are negotiating – writing about what is going on in the world from a 3rd person perspective
Work related writing: Finding a mutual reality, leaving entirely out the own opinion of the game. Defining mutually acceptable terms and discussing the consequences on the organisations – also 3rd person
Medium: Storytelling – how a certain Dealterm worked out in reality. And especially what effects it had on the writer. A lot of I saw, I did, I learned.
That‘s why I am reading articles on Medium. Maybe that adds a bit of value, why the article structure on medium is different to other platforms.